Teatru-spălătorie: Performance de Artiom Zavadovsky,Chisinau Urban Beatz, Abracadabra


 Coming Out – Performance de Artiom Zavadovsky

Ora: 20:00 – 21:00

Preţ bilet: contribuţie opţională — 40, 60, 80 lei

Coming out (din engleză – ieşirea afară) se referă la procesul de a afirma public şi voluntar orientarea homosexuală, bisexuală sau identitatea de gen. Termenul complet în limba engleză este “coming out of the closet”, sau “ieşirea din dulap”. A fi “out” înseamnă a fi deschis despre orientarea sexuală sau identitatea de gen. A rămâne “in the closet” (în dulap) înseamnă a ascunde aceste caracteristice şi a asuma public o altă orientare sexuală, în general cea heterosexuală.

Coming out este recunoaşterea, acceptarea şi mărturisirea homosexualităţii, bisexualităţii sau a faptului că eşti transgen atât faţă de sine, cât şi faţă de alţii. Coming out nu constituie doar faptul de a spune cuiva cine eşti. Aceasta reprezintă un proces îndelungat care include percepţia de sine, atitudinea faţă de propria sexualitate, structura propriei vieţi şi modul în care persoana se prezintă pe sine însăşi familiei, prietenilor şi lumii.

Pentru rezervări contactaţi-ne cu un apel/sms (cu excepţia websms) la 060439914 sau pe mail la [email protected]

Rezervările se pot face până la ora 12:00 în ziua spectacolului. Rezervările neonorate se anulează cu 30 minute înainte de ora începerii spectacolului.

Spectacolul va avea loc în sala pentru nefumători. 

Vă rugăm să nu fotografiaţi şi să nu filmaţi în timpul spectacolului.


Vineri, 16 NOIEMBRIE

Chisinau Urban Beatz

Время: 21:00

Вход свободный!

The best in subculture music from around the globe.

[Sub·cul·ture; /ˈsəbˌkəlCHər/; Noun. A subculture is a group of people within a culture (whether distinct or hidden) which differentiates them from the larger culture to which they belong]

Once a month, Chisinau Urban Beatz brings non-mainstream music genres from around the world to Moldova. At Teatrul Spalatorie on Strada Eminescu 72 you will hear a mix of Carribean Styles (Reggae, Dancehall, Ska, Calypso), African music genres (Zouk, Azonto), Funk, Balkan, Neo-Soul, Acid & Nu Jazz, Neo-Bossa, Instrumental HipHop and you-name-it cross-cutting genres (Moombahton, Tropical Bass…).

Every month, a different region/music style will be focused on, while at the same time keeping up the great variety of differences in urban styles. At the first party, we will give you an overview on the diversity of these genres..!

Your hosts of the night will be DAWEE from the SWS Soundsystem out of Berlin, Germany and DJ Codek from Chisinau [http://www.mixcloud.com/DjCodek/ & http://samurai.fm/dj-codek/].

THIS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 @ EMINESCU 72 (Teatru Spalatorie) – 21.00h until late…



Abracadabra – Party cu Meatworks

Ora: 20:00 – 21:00

Preţ bilet: plăteşti cât doreşti!

Invisible Landscape – Dirty Session vol.2 by Vladimir Invisible-Landscape on Mixcloud



Blush de Wim Vandekeybus (Ultima Vez)

Ora: 19:00 – 20:00

Intrare liberă!

In 2004 Wim Vandekeybus shot a 52-minute feature based on his successful performance Blush. Carried by the music of David Eugene Edwards and Woven Hand and with texts by the Flemish author Peter Verhelst, Blush is a dazzling voyage swinging between the heavenly landscapes of Corsica and the slummiest depths of Brussels.

It is an exploration of the savage subconscious, of mythical forests, of conflicting instincts, of imagination, where the body has reasons unknown to the mind. In dance sequences of attraction, confrontation and repulsion the performers take on animal metamorphoses…

Blush was selected for the ACID-Programme at the Film festival of Cannes 2005.Ultima Vez
Ultima Vez was founded in 1986 as the company and organisation of choreographer, director and filmmaker Wim Vandekeybus. Since its foundation, Ultima Vez has intensively developed its activities as an international contemporary dance company with a strong base in Brussels and Flanders.Currently the activities of Ultima Vez are focussed around:
– the creation, production, distribution and promotion of the artistic work of Wim Vandekeybus
– the organisation of educational activities for various target groups
– the support and counselling of choreographers through the European Network Jardin d’europeWim Vandekeybus

The choreographer and film-maker Wim Vandekeybus likes new things, especially new forms and new media for his creations.‘I like to challenge my obsessions by imposing new rules on them,’ he says. The easy way is never an option: ‘I like things difficult, so as to be able to enjoy it afterwards and to be able to say that it was all worthwhile.’Which is why, after 25 years of Ultima Vez, Vandekeybus still loves creating performances. ‘Sometimes I can’t face the start of the process. There’s always that stress and sleepless nights with five ideas running around in my head at the same time, but then the production’s own world takes shape and it instantly becomes captivating and fun again.’
