Молдаванка попала в проект турецкого фотографа “100 стран, 100 лиц”

Фотограф из Стамбула Мустафа Канкая работает в Аэропорту имени Ататюрка. В марте 2018 года он начал работать над фотопроектом “100 стран, 100 лиц”, в который вошли портреты путешественников из главного турецкого хаба. Одной из героинь проекта стала наша наша соотечественница Виолетта.

Автор запечатлел лица некоторых путешественников из России и Украины. В их число попал и известный блогер Илья Варламов.


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The shooting story with Varlamov ?? @varlamov (For those who don’t know him, he is one of the most famous reporters in Russia!) As usual I was working in my office. Suddenly one of my colleagues came in and told me that there is guy talking to his camera and over the camera there is a teddy bear! Of course it was not a teddy bear in fact it was the microphone over the camera as you see in the pictures. But Varlamov himself was cool enough for the project. Just explained him shortly and he accepted 🙂 without knowing that he was one of the most famous reporter from Russia ?? the shooting session was very quick as he had to catch the plane the to Mali ?? country #61 face #80 #russia

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