TESSELLATE - Locals https://locals.md/t/tessellate/ ежедневный интернет-журнал о событиях в Кишинёве и Молдове. Thu, 06 Aug 2015 18:30:52 +0000 ru-RU hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://static.locals.md/2024/05/cropped-locals-logo-32x32.png TESSELLATE - Locals https://locals.md/t/tessellate/ 32 32 YOUNIVERSE meets TAMAN records W// Sienkiewicz & Tessellate https://locals.md/2015/youniverse-meets-taman-records-w-sienkiewicz-tessellate/ https://locals.md/2015/youniverse-meets-taman-records-w-sienkiewicz-tessellate/#respond Thu, 06 Aug 2015 18:30:52 +0000 http://locals.md/?p=171208 Doi practicieni iminenți ale combinărilor auditive lineare își vor uni forțele!

Запись YOUNIVERSE meets TAMAN records W// Sienkiewicz & Tessellate впервые появилась Locals.


Livrând un spectru imens de corpuri sonore, doi practicieni iminenți ale combinărilor auditive lineare, își vor uni forțele întru zugrăvirea liniei percusive arhetipale 4/4, cu diverse audio signale aurorale.


Pe cât de plictisitoare n-ar parea această descriere, prezența ta la această fuziune modestă va periclita într-o oarecare masură integritatea organului tău auricular, dar nicidecum nu-ți va crea impedimente să dibuiești magnetism și farmec în acele frecvențe sublime ce le vei mărturisi.

Tot ce știm noi e că te vom lua într-o călătorie îndelungată și bine sintetizată prin întregul amalgam de coloane sonore modulate și-ți vom concentra percepția auditivă asupra mostrelor de sunet învăluite, asupra timbrelor întinse și asupra buclelor oscilate, toate acestea absorbite cu un gust estetic nemijlocit.

Nu încerca să eviți această exhibiție, căci ceva modele sonore uluitoare pot ieși la suprafață!








FEE: 50 lei

Delivering an immense spectrum of electronic soundcapes, twoo imminent master input/output practiotioners are going to merge their efforts into cementing the archetypal 4/4 percussion line with breathing audio signals.


Boring as it reads, by being present at this fused exhibition, you’ll imperil your eardrums to a certain extent, but this won’t generate any kind of obstacles for you to find magnetism and wizardry in those exalted frequencies which you’ll be provided.

For all we know, we’re going to take you on a long and well-synthethized trip through all types of modulated sounds and augment your auricular perception of enveloped samples, stretched timbres and oscillating loops all being absorbed with an underlying aesthetic.

Don’t try to avoid this, because some exquisite sound patterns might surface and it would be such a pity if you’d miss them.




FEE: 50 lei

Запись YOUNIVERSE meets TAMAN records W// Sienkiewicz & Tessellate впервые появилась Locals.

https://locals.md/2015/youniverse-meets-taman-records-w-sienkiewicz-tessellate/feed/ 0
Thanks god it’s friday- The big party afterparty https://locals.md/2014/thanks-god-its-friday-the-big-party-afterparty/ https://locals.md/2014/thanks-god-its-friday-the-big-party-afterparty/#respond Wed, 18 Jun 2014 08:49:48 +0000 http://locals.md/?p=106452 Наслаждаемся рэпчиком, потихоньку напиваемся и готовимся к музыке пожестче.

Запись Thanks god it’s friday- The big party afterparty впервые появилась Locals.

Одна ночь-две вечеринки

с 22.30 до 2.30
Thanks god it’s friday
Dr. B and Fresh Sly

наслаждаемся рэпчиком потихоньку напиваемся и готовимся к музыке пожестче

с 2.30 до 6.00
The big party afterparty


stiluri: Deep House, UK Garage, Techno
Minimal/Tech House

После той самой вечеринки, когда у вас замерзнет нос и начнут пустеть кошельки, самое время будет переместиться в Типографию и продолжить веселье до самого утра, встретить пьяными рассвет в обнимку с друзьями.

Запись Thanks god it’s friday- The big party afterparty впервые появилась Locals.

https://locals.md/2014/thanks-god-its-friday-the-big-party-afterparty/feed/ 0