26 августа 2014

CINEMA ÎN AER LIBER – proiecție de film

Lumea Nouă (Uus Maailm) de Jaan TOOTSEN

26 august 2014, ora 20:30


str. București 68/1, Chișinău

O lume noua inseamna eroi noi. Cum sa delimitezi o oaza fara masini in inima capitalei? Cum sa creezi un spatiu pe care sa il numesti acasa in mijlocul unui oras supus indiferentei si nepriceperii administrative? Filmul urmareste timp de patru ani luptele “Societatii unei Lumi Noi”, o asociatie de tineri din Tallin, dar si tensiunile crescande dintre principalii activisti ai acestui grup. Ce se intampla cand unul dintre ei realizeaza ca lumea din jur s-a schimbat? Cand se uita in oglinda vede un hippiot obosit care lupta singur. Lumea Noua trebuie descoperita in fiecare zi (sursa).

‘intrare’ gratuită

Acest eveniment este parte a programului CENTRUL CIVIC al CHIȘINĂULUI – cinema în aer liber.

OPEN AIR CINEMA – film screening

The New World (Uus Maailm) – by Jaan TOOTSEN

August 26, 8:30 pm


Bucuresti str. 68/1, Chisinau

Like most European cities, Estonia’s capital, Tallinn, is ruled by cars. When yet another road intended exclusively for cars was opened in the New World district in 2006, a group of locals finally ran out of patience. After staging a protest with respirators and gas masks that prevented a ceremonial procession to open this road, cycling activist Erko and architecture student Marten decided with their friends to set up the New World Society. Their work involves implementing various activities that restrict automobile transport in the district, e.g., spray painting fake pedestrian crossings. They decide to present to the mayor and city officials ideas for improving the area and turning it into a pleasant and healthy place to live while obviating the dictatorship of cars. This film about the activities of a young group of Estonians, whose actions manage to inspire many other people in various parts of the country, takes a look at the vital role civic activism plays in contemporary society (source).

free ‘entrance’

This screening is organized as part of SPACES: CHISINAU CIVIC CENTER – open air cinema project.
