20 августа 2018

У фотографа из Молдовы больше полумиллиона подписчиков в Инстаграме

12 лет назад фотограф Юрий Белегурский из Молдовы переехал в Исландию, за это время став одним из самых популярных фотолетописцев этой сказочной страны огня и льда. Его фотографии публикуются по всему миру в книгах, календарях, открытках, журналах. Его работы попали в несколько самых популярных изданий мира – The Daily Mail, The Independent, The Sun, The Huffington Post и The Telegraph. Белегурский — официальный фотограф Гида по Исландии (guidetoiceland.is) и на сегодняшний день самый популярный в мире фотограф родом из Молдовы.  В инстаграме у фотографа 567 тыс. подписчиков.

Юрий Белегурский кроме того, что работает профессиональным фотографом-пейзажистом, постоянно проводит фото-туры и семинары в Исландии, Норвегии и Гренландии.

Hello from @iuriebelegurschi providing you with your daily dose of Iceland! ?? This lush green canyon in the south of Iceland is called ‘Fjaðrárgljúfur’, meaning ‘feather river canyon’. At 100m and about 2km long, it’s certainly a remarkable display of nature ? – The canyon itself was created by progressive erosion caused by melt water flowing forth from one of Iceland’s glaciers. In fact, the bedrock within the walls of the canyon can be traced back to the Ice Age, with the canyon itself thought to be about two million years old! ? These days, the Fjaðrá River continues to flow through the canyon, though the volume of water has decreased significantly over the years. – The reason that Fjaðrárgljúfur appears so green is that it is vegetated with significant quantities of Icelandic moss, which covers many of the surrounding rocks and grassy areas ? The flourishing moss makes it an incredibly photogenic location, particularly for landscape photography. You can get a great shot of the sheer canyon walls from the ground with a wide lens to capture the entirety of the scene, or even fly over the canyon for a picturesque view of how it resembles a feather from above ? From the most popular vantage point, you’ll get a beautiful panoramic view of the canyon which is best photographed when the sun is low in the sky. – Have you ever wanted to visit Fjaðrárgljúfur, and do you know how to pronounce its name? What other Icelandic words do you know? ? – #iceland #guidetoiceland #MyStopover

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Hello from @iuriebelegurschi providing you with your daily dose of Iceland! ?? No, this isn’t some random painting of blue and brown streaks… actually, it’s an aerial view of the braided river system in Iceland! ? – Braided rivers consist of a network of river channels. In Iceland, they flow from the glaciers towards the sea, carrying vital nutrients for the ecosystem along the way, in the form of sediment. When the flow of the rivers decreases, the sediment gets deposited on the river bed, leaving behind small temporary islands of dark volcanic sand that cause the channels of the rivers to split ? – The pattern of the braided river systems in Iceland are dynamic, meaning that they will change gradually over time as the sediment islands get eroded away and the sediments are deposited elsewhere. New islands of sand are formed as the speed and amount of water in the rivers changes ? – The braided river systems in Iceland look stunningly beautiful from above and are particularly photogenic ? The best way to capture their beauty is to shoot from a plane, which will give you a wonderful bird’s eye view of the surrounds ✈️ It can be difficult to compose a shot when you’re high up, as you’ll be contending with cold wind blowing into your face while you try to keep your camera steady! ? Be sure to keep an eye on the overall picture though, using the gorgeous blue rivers as leading lines into your shot. – Have you ever photographed the landscape below from a plane? What was it like? Leave a comment below! ? – #iceland #guidetoiceland #MyStopover

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Hello from @iuriebelegurschi providing you with your daily dose of Iceland! Winter is coming… from north of the wall, towards Iceland! ❄️ In a couple of months or so, we’ll begin experiencing the first snowfalls and from there, the landscape will start getting very icy again. – One of my favourite winter photography locations in Iceland is the Jökulsárlón glacier lagoon, where you can photograph icebergs that have calved off the nearby Breiðarmerkurjökull glacier. The icebergs float serenely in the still waters of the lagoon, before drifting out through a small inlet towards the sea. This location is particularly good for shooting the Northern Lights, as it offers a number of incredible foregrounds, which make for fascinating compositions ? – When photographing the Northern Lights, it is important to always have a subject that will draw your viewer’s eye into the lights, rather than just making a picture of the lights themselves. ? This will result in more dynamic and interesting scenes that will keep people coming back to look for more! ? – Can you see the Northern Lights from where you live? If not, where in Iceland would you like to go to see them? – #iceland #guidetoiceland #MyStopover

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официальный сайт фотографа: iuriebelegurschi
