Creating a Road Map for your Essay
Начало: 18/03/2017 - 10:00
Место: American Language Center - Buiucani, Ion Creanga Street 16/2
Цена: free

Centrul Lingvistic American Buiucani invită pe toţi cei interesaţi de scrierea academică la prezentarea: “Creating a Road Map for your Essay”.

Prezentarea va avea loc sîmbătă, 18 martie, începând cu ora 10:00 până la 11:30.

Moderator: John P. Redos

Acest proiect a fost parțial finanţat de către Ambasada Statelor Unite ale Americii în Republica Moldova.

Ne gasiţi la adresa: str. Ion Creangă 16/2 (vedeţi harta aici:

tel: 022 24 33 37 067 120 101

Grabiţi-vă, numărul de locuri este limitat!

American Language Center Buiucani invites teachers of English, prospective English teachers, students, and other interested people to a presentation on:

“Creating a Road Map for your Essay”

Speaker: John P. Redos

This project was funded in part by a grant from the United States Department of State.
The presentation will be held on:
Saturday, March 18th
Time: 10:00-11:30

Location: ALC Buiucani Office, 16/2 Ion Creanga Str.
(here is the map:

If you are interested to attend the above-mentioned session, please sign up in advance, as usual, by contacting the ALC Buiucani staff at: 022 243337 or 067120101!

Hurry up as the number of places is limited!
